Take a Load off

Posted: December 10, 2013 in World On The Edge

file9241261945645As wonderful a time of year as the Christmas season is, it can also be burdensome.

There are the decorations, the presents, the cooking, the cleaning, the extra school parties—not to mention the price tag for all these things!

Mothers with children and grandchildren are especially stressed at a time when we wish we could simply breathe and enjoy  the Birthday of our Savior.

But preparation is necessary.  In fact, Advent is the season of Preparation– and Waiting.

In all our busyness, we can keep in mind what we are trying to do—-create a celebration worthy of such a Birthday, but we are also preparing our children and family for  the joy of  receiving, not only wrapped gifts, but the joy of knowing that because of Our Savior, we have the promise of  eternal life.

We will be the givers of many presents this Christmas,  but let’s not forget that we are the receivers of the greatest gift of all. And  when  we get tired–and yes, cranky. When we want to spout off at whomever is in front of our face—let’s take a load off ourselves and give it to Him.  That’s  the gift God wants from us—our Trust that He will handle it all for us if we truly allow him the chance to do so.

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and  carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 

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