Archive for October, 2020

Are You a Candy Christian??

Posted: October 30, 2020 in World On The Edge

Have we become Candy Christians, our once-strong beliefs melting away?

Have we lost all courage to face Goliath?

Are we afraid of a personal Crucifixion?

Have we accepted the sugar-coated, fear-mongering, victimhood imposed upon us by some in our government who spread lies while lining their own greedy pockets?

Will we let the greedy elite control our right to free speech, our right to worship, our right to bear arms?

Are we using the sense and dignity God gave us when we step into Socialism–now being spread by ‘progressives’– without taking a stand against it?

Will we abandon America—one nation under God?

Will we be called racist by those who are actually using race as a sharp-edged tool for their hopeful takeover of America?

Will we cower, and be called “chumps,” by the hypocrite, Joe Biden?

If I painted a picture or wrote a book and told you that everything I showed you or said was true, that you could believe nothing else, and if you did believe otherwise, there would be sanctions you would regret—how would you react? Would you lie down like a fearful dog and accept it? Or would you rise to fight for your freedom to make your own informed choices?

Well, today there is an attempt to control us, using a virus that is to be sure serious, but not defeating, as some would have you believe. “A dark winter is coming,” they warn us. But each of us can respond to that. Each of us has had a dark winter at one time or another in our lives. And yet, we are still here. We are still loving, trusting, thinking, and opposing evil–aren’t we?

BUT we cannot oppose evil if we do not have faith and trust in the God who lives within us.  And that God often uses other people in this life to lead us. We may not like their personality, or their looks, or their mannerisms. But if you need surgery, which do you care more about: your doctor’s bedside manner, or that he/she is a good physician?

More than ever, America needs a good physician, one who believes in our country, its constitution, and its Bill of Rights.

In this crazily dangerous year of 2020, the ONLY physician worth considering is President Trump. If he isn’t elected, God have mercy on us, and on the country we love.

Don’t be a candy Christian. Don’t let them melt you down. VOTE Republican, all the way.


Posted: October 21, 2020 in World On The Edge

A sin may, at first, seem a small thing. It may even have a hint of conscience, until it becomes habitual and infectious to everyone around it. Love also begins small, becomes habitual, and infectious as well. Except love is honorable in the human person, while sin degrades his or her soul.

Of course, sin is all around us. It surely happens in politics since it is made up of many people with ambition, people who ignore goodness if it interferes with their political goals. A few examples of some politicians ignoring of goodness are these: the taking of a human life in the womb, the mistaken confusion that we can change our own gender, or the misrepresentation of what marriage truthfully is. These acts demean us as human beings created by God. And yet, each one of us can choose to agree, and even do, any of them.

This is why we use other human beings for our own ends, ignoring their God-given value.  This is why the truthful family, based upon the sacrament of marriage, is being negatively affected. This is why the deep responsibility to guide children who come from that marriage is being overlooked. This is why it is imperative to look upward to God for guidance, rather than looking around at the temporary world we live in. Except, genuine love isn’t easy, has never been easy, and will never be easy.

Taking the easy way out through wrong behaviors, decays not only ourselves, but also, spreads like a virus to others.

In my new Southern Gothic novel, ABSENCE, This is what happens to James Greene, a southern farmer who will do whatever he has to do, even if it is evil, to keep the farm he sees as his legacy from disappearing. This is also what happens to us when we forget who we really are, and who we come from. Just as James Greene, in the floods and droughts of life, we listen to false voices, swallow false precepts, and fall into corruption rather than goodness. We lose the ones we love, and find ourselves suffering, totally lost, and miserable. Can we recoup?  In our loneliness, are there people who can show us the way back? And could those people possibly be the ones we have hurt?

ABSENCE is foremost the story of love’s restoration between James Greene and his wife of many years, and between James’s son, William, and his new, second wife. In the mix, is Cecilia, the daughter and sister they maligned, who disappeared from their view, but will not let go of their minds. It is also the story of innocence in the persons of two children who strive to keep the entirety of their family in tact.

From Joseph Pearce, the author of numerous literary works.  Visit his website at ~Those who have read Kaye Park Hinckley’s earlier novels will know that she is one of the most exciting and gifted writers of contemporary faith-inspired fiction. This latest offering does not disappoint. Absence will further establish Mrs. Hinckley’s hard-earned reputation as a teller of gritty and gripping stories infused with subtle hints of the redemptive power of grace.

From Dena Hunt, author of award-winning novels, Treason and The Lion’s Heart ~Hinckley does it again. Absence put me in mind of Faulkner as a generation-transcending saga set in the South. But unlike Faulkner, Hinckley does not leave the reader feeling burdened by the tragic consequences of the sins of the fathers visited upon their children. Instead, Hinckley enlightens, revealing the indissolubility of love and truth, and restoring love and life. A terrific read.

From Meggie Daly, author of Bead by Bead ~”Absence” is the sixth book by Kaye Park Hinckley that I have read and loved. “Absence” and the “Wind that Shakes the Corn” are my all-time favorites. While reading “Absence,” I forced myself to go slowly to savor her sentences like an excellent meal that I didn’t want to end. The author “paints” compelling personifications of good and evil as three generations of characters battle internal demons and nature. The plot in “Absence” is intricate, layered, and surprising up until the last page. Themes of longing, abandonment, forgiveness, callousness, regret, unconditional love, and mercy will stay with the reader long after finishing the book. I can’t recommend this book highly enough—a masterpiece!