Archive for April, 2022

A custodian is defined as person who has responsibility for or looks after something. Synonyms are keeper, guardian, steward, and protector.

Most of us realize that we are custodians of the Earth, guardians of the forces and processes that produce and control the balance of Nature in order to protect it. The prospect of global warming is one aspect of this protection that is currently touted as if we can do something about it. And there are many more which scientists struggle to understand.

But there is a higher nature here on Earth, a nature more vital than even the magnificent universe.  And that nature is the nature of a human being. The nature of a Man or a Woman is actually more profound than the puzzling workings of the universe. Shouldn’t we protect and guard that nature as well?

First, we have to understand what the nature of a human being truly is. We have to understand who we truly are and why we are here at all.

We are more than a product of our environment, more than a highly evolved animal. We are creations of God, as is the universe. BUT we are the highest of God’s creations. In fact, we are made in His image and likeness. This does not mean that we look like God. God is spirit. But it does mean that we have inherited His spirit within us. His Holy Spirit. Because of this, our human nature has definite capabilities that are not found in Earth’s nature, or even in the nature of animals.

In our human nature, we have a memory with an imagination in which we possess the capacity for mercy and compassion. We have an intellect, through which we possess the capacity for faith and humility. And we have a will, by which we possess the capacity to love.

But how much emphasis is put on the guardianship of this kind of nature, our human nature?  Not much. Instead, we act as if human beings are inconsequential, and nothing special.  We see it in the frequent mass shootings of the day. We see it in the fact that we will abort an innocent child up to and even after the time of birth. We see it in terrorism when groups some disagree with, or do not find useful, are killed. We certainly see this in parental child abuse, and in pedophile activity. And we see it in ourselves and our addictions that harm our own bodies. What poor custodians we are of God’s greatest creation!

The fact is our individual human nature is beyond magnificent–and the only nature we can do anything about. We can’t change the nature of the world. We can’t stop hurricanes or earthquakes, floods or droughts, or even global warming. But we can change ourselves to become more in line with what God intended a human being to be.

And we do this individually, as God meant it. Because each of us was chosen by God to exist.

Before time began God chose each one of us and this choice was deliberate. God saw all the possible human beings He might have created throughout the history of the world. Out of possible billions of human beings that might have existed in God’s mind—His Eye rested on each one of us and then stopped looking and said, “You (insert your own name)shall be.” He saw all who could have been and decided they would not be. His providence placed us in a time and state of life that would bring out our greatest potential.–Mother Angelica.

God knows our name. He chose us because He loved us and meant us to freely love others through our memory, intellect, and will. And yes, we can choose not to love. Choice is necessarily a component of free will, with memory and intellect to keep the consequences of our choices in balance.

He gave each of us special talents, gifts and natural virtues all geared towards a deeper knowledge of Himself. Even those whose circumstances prevent them from knowing Him directly, possess a deep conviction of His existence and providence. He placed into each of us an inner radar system that warns of danger and assures us intuitively of His care, so we will never be far from Him and will not be deprived of the knowledge of His existence.–Mother Angelica

He made our natures higher than the earth–the earth is made for us.  We are to protect it–yes. But more so, we are to protect, guard, and be custodians for other human beings. All this, for our greatest purpose. Immortality.

The Hand that formed each of us left Its imprint upon our minds and souls for He made us to His own image. The soul He breathed into this work of His Hands—our body—was imprinted with some of His love—His creative power—His strength. We reflect His eternity, for once His Will called us out of nothingness, we became immortal—our soul will never die.” –Mother Angelica

How important our human natures are when we look at it this way! How can we not do our best to protect it?

We ought to stop and think. We ought to remember that we are the custodians of God’s most beloved creation–ourselves and our neighbors, His image and likeness on earth. And not just occasionally in a ‘feel-good moment,’ but today, and every day until we are called back to Him.

If we are not doing this, if we are not trying to use our memory, intellect, and will to guard against the failings of our own human nature, then we cannot call ourselves custodians–or Christians.

So, if we see ourselves becoming what we know we should not be, we should quit hiding from the truth. We should take an honest look at ourselves and the genuine beauty of our human nature, and remember our intimate kinship with Almighty God who dwells within us.



Along with the present moment, each human person carries a past and a vision for their future, These can be brought to the forefront by our human imagination and allow us to better understand our lives. But the Christian imagination and its belief in God presents an even wider view. We have a purpose in being here. Yes, we are here on this earth for a reason.

Without belief in God, comes the perception that what is real is only available through the senses, and that we were created through a chaotic combination of unlikely accidents. If a person thinks this way, God is negated because admitting God creates that purpose beyond the senses. It creates an invisible world, a spiritual world, that is truer and more lasting than the sensual world we can see.

The Catholic vision, the Catholic imagination, understands that –just beside our physical world — there is a spiritual world — and an ongoing battle between good and evil in both. In this battle, we often let go of God, even with the magnificent destiny promised us — eternal life in the presence of God. And yet, in spite of ourselves, we have been given hope.


One Common Denominator

The Incarnation

The common denominator, the sole reason, behind Catholic fiction produced by a Catholic imagination, is belief in the Incarnation. God became man, suffered for our sins, and died for love of us. In Catholic novels, God and sin (good and evil) are the forward-moving thrusts. God pursing the sinner is key, and therefore, the revelation that God’s love reaches out to all, not just the righteous.

At first glance, stories that come from the Catholic Imagination may not always be beautiful in our usual sense of the word, because the actions of people are not always beautiful. In fact, they are often plainly ugly. But when the Catholic fiction writer shows the presence of God in our world, the Truth comes out. Ugliness can be redeemed. If this is not sincerely believed by the writer, it shows, and the work falls apart.


Subjective Thinking

The fiction writer with a Catholic imagination writes about what is personal to himself. He/she is a subjective thinker, writing as a particular human being created by and directly related to God. For the Catholic writer, human beings exist only because God exists. The writer views himself as a child with a Father who loves him, a child who is often disobedient, and yet, at times completely in line. And he understands that the Father’s love does not disappear in either situation. When a Catholic writer believes himself to be both ugly and beautiful, but nevertheless loved, his imagination will transfer that human mystery to Story.



The Catholic imagination shines out the existence of a good God even when the human deficiencies of a character keeps that character from recognizing it. The Catholic imagination also shines out evil. Evil is not simply a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be endured. (Flannery O’Connor) A Catholic fiction writer presents a truth that is higher than anything material, an intangible truth, and a mystery that some will not accept.



A writer’s characters and their dilemmas are always becoming something either higher, or lower, than before. The becoming is a mystery, too. Key to that mystery is weaving authenticity into the story. Everything in the universe is connected and forever on the move; this is concrete science. The Catholic writer uses the concrete, but aims beyond it through immaterial Truths.

This is a quote from Catholic novelist Walker Percy’s 1983 address to the trainee priests graduating from St Josephs College Seminary in Louisiana. I would add that it speaks also to all who write with a Catholic imagination. The address ended with these words:

Never has there been such loneliness in the midst of crowds, never such hunger in the face of satiation. Never has there been a more fertile ground for the seed and the harvest the Lord spoke of. All that is needed is a bearer of the Good News who speaks it with such authenticity that it can penetrate the most exhausted hearing, revive the most jaded language.

Authenticity is the key word here. The realization that sinners, like each of us, can be redeemed. Think of the beauty in that! Think of how the world is changed when even one sinner is touched by the grace of God!

Sacrifice is part of the very definition of what it means to truly love another person.

In fact, intimate relationships require sacrifice. I think we understand this most in the context of family, because we do sacrifice for our spouse, our children, and our parents.

Sacrifice does not mean giving up something for nothing; it means giving up one thing for something else we believe is worth much more. When we give our love to another sacrificially, we are putting the other first. We putting their needs above our wants. Husbands and Wives, Mothers and Fathers do this all the time – for the greater good of each other and of their children.

Why do we do this? Because we genuinely love them. Spousal love and Parental love are not ‘false loves.’ It is the kind of love that calls us to take the responsibility we have been given to take care of a separate person created by God. This does not at all mean that we want to be treated as doormats by our spouse, or that we give our children all the material things they may ask for. Quite the opposite. We treat our spouse and children as God’s gift to us, and try to show them the true way to joy and happiness. Just as our Father in heaven did — and does, through the Eucharist, daily consecration of the Host at Mass — offering His only son as an example of the kind of sacrificial love we, too, should show the world. The kind of love that will lead us to eternal life.

For Christians, the greatest example of sacrifice given out of love is the ransom Jesus Christ paid for us. And I believe the second greatest sacrifice was made by his mother, Mary. Can you imagine watching as your beloved innocent son suffered and died in such a horrendous way?

Today’s society tries to obliterate sacrifice at every turn. Some of our so-called leaders in government push us toward horribly sinful actions through legislation that will selfishly benefit them, not us. Many of them even try to obliterate God, Himself. Many of them seem to love themselves much more than the people they serve.

The things that we love tell us what we are. — Thomas Aquinas

And then there are the superficial ads promising people that they can fulfill their desires without having to sacrifice anything at all. “Lose weight without giving up your favorite foods!” “Get a great body without long workouts!” “Get rich without having to work hard!” “Vote for us and our crazy legislation and we’ll give you lots of things for free, but not real freedom.” The denial of sacrifice is everywhere. How about our soaring credit card debts–and of course the national debt?

But it’s a fairy tale to think you can have whatever you want without sacrifice.

If you want to lose weight, you have to sacrifice eating what puts the weight on. If you want to be loved, and be able to love, you have to show another person that you would give up something of importance for them. Love and Sacrifice are intertwined. Genuine love — when we sacrifice ourselves for someone else — can cost a great deal of suffering.

What is the mark of love for your neighbor? Not to seek what is for your own benefit, but what is for the benefit of the one loved, both in body and in soul.- St. Basil the Great

Why is Sacrificial Love So Important for Every Human Being?

It is a fact. Each of us will die.
But is death the end of us?

We come into this world innocent, and nothing can change that we’re made in the image and likeness of God. Part of each one of us is spiritual, like it or not. And it is that spirituality that draws us to the reality of God.

But we’ve also been given a free will by our Creator. We can make choices, and some of those choices are wrong ones that steer us away from the inborn likeness to God set in us, and toward a dead end, where we often have no desire to change, or even acknowledge God. Many of us are fine with our lives as we’re living them.  And some don’t think about change, or God, at all until we are faced with death.

Yet we want eternal life.

And eternal life requires sacrifice.

This week, Holy Week, is all about eternal life. The final Sunday of Lent, Palm Sunday, begins Holy Week for Christians. It commemorates the triumphant arrival of Christ in Jerusalem, days before he was crucified. Palm Sunday is known as such because the faithful will often receive palm fronds which they use to participate in the reenactment of Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem. Following days are Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and finally the Resurrection – Easter.

On Holy Thursday, Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist–His real presence at Mass, reminding us of HIs actual sacrifice. This is my Body. This is my Blood. Do this in remembrance of me. On Good Friday, He shows us how to suffer through the worst of all deaths, the excruciating death of an innocent man through the conniving of greedy and selfish human beings; a suffering He allowed so that we –his beloved children– might have eternal life. And on Easter Sunday, He rose from the tomb into which human evil cast Him.

He rose because no grave could hold Him. No grave could silence Him. No grave could keep Him from us, each one of us, His children, made in His image and likeness.

But are we striving for a life beyond our earthly grave?

Do we even consider our own resurrection?

Resurrection is defined in the dictionary as the act of causing something that has ended or been forgotten or lost to exist again.  Our ultimate Resurrection is a promise from our loving God if we truly desire it. When we  attempt by our free will to overcome our sinfulness through faith and sacrificial love. And when we rely on the overflowing mercy of God, we will have eternal life.

So that no grave can hold us.
No grave can silence us.
And no grave can keep us from our God who loves us.

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Are we Going into War based upon lies????

Jack Maxey – discusses Matt Gaetz’s recent challenge of an FBI representative regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop, Jack’s work on the laptop in Switzerland, and how important Jack’s Catholic faith is to him. Click here to support our campaign: To help LifeSite continue sharing videos on important and vital topics, consider donating here:… Sign-up for LifeSite’s video newsletter here: Sign-up for LifeSite’s email newsletter so you’ll never miss a beat:… Follow LifeSite on social media: Telegram: Gab: Gettr: MeWe: Rumble: Instagram: Follow John-Henry Westen on social media: Telegram: Gab: Instagram: Facebook:\

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