Are YOU one of the Deplorables???

Posted: September 13, 2016 in World On The Edge

constitution-1486010_640Well, I am. And I raise my hand high.

If it is deplorable to want an America that is better and stronger, then I am a deplorable.

If it is deplorable to want an America that is not an open door to terrorists, then I am a deplorable.

If it is deplorable to want to keep our second amendment rights, then I am a deplorable

If it is deplorable to want an economy that produces good-paying jobs and small businesses that thrive, then I am a deplorable.

If it is deplorable to want freedom of religion and not freedom from religion, then I am a deplorable.

If it is deplorable to want our leaders to speak the truth, not lies, then I am a deplorable.

And if it is deplorable to think that an arm of our American government should be allowed to abort human babies for the hideous, inhumane purpose of selling their parts and organs for profit, then you had better believe–I AM A DEPLORABLE.

Now, besides being deplorable, who am I– really?

I am not a racist, a sexist, a homophobic, or any of the other words/labels Hillary Clinton coined to describe the hard-working Americans that she says she is …..wait–running to represent??? (Oh well, we have learned that she doesn’t tell the truth anyway.)

I am the mother of five and the grandmother of ten.

I am a college-educated woman, an author, and a small business owner.

I am an AMERICAN VOTER whose ancestors have been in America since the 1700’s, coming from Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, Poland, and even the West Indies, and whose family members have served their country bravely in the American Revolution, The War of 1812, Mexican-American War, the Civil War, both World Wars, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

I am a woman who loves her God, her family, her freedoms, and her country. And if that is deplorable to some. So be it.

Are YOU one of the DEPLORABLES, too???

Feel free to comment and tell us why you’re one of us.


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