Have you Taken a Tumble???

Posted: November 14, 2014 in World On The Edge

hopeful girl Are you a pessimist or an optimist? Do you think tomorrow will be better, or worse?

No one wants ‘worse.’ We hope for the best, knowing that it must be our own hands here on Earth that we use to make the ‘best’ happen.

Even when we’ve been knocked down, even when our life sometimes seems a walk to Calvary, we can be sure that we have the capability of rising again.

It may not be easy.

It may take hard work.

We may have to sacrifice.

But if we believe in ourselves, if we recognize Hope for what it truly is, then it can happen.

You may have experienced the effect of a hopeful attitude, or seen great trust in a family member or friend. Human beings have an innate spirit of being able to trust, and also tenacity in that trust. Where does it come from?

Catholics believe that Hope is one of the Three Theological Virtues. The other two are Faith and Charity. Faith is unconditional belief in what God says. Hope is unconditional trust in God. And Charity is unconditional love for God.

Everyone on earth has the capability of these virtues within him. They are what constitute the innate goodness of a human being. But just think– if every human being actually acted them out, actually lived his life with Faith, Hope, and Love in mind, what a world we would have!!

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